Home Uncategorized Little Caesars Debuts Pizza With Crust Made of 3.5 Feet of Bacon

Little Caesars Debuts Pizza With Crust Made of 3.5 Feet of Bacon

Little Caesars Debuts Pizza With Crust Made of 3.5 Feet of Bacon


Little Caesars, in a quest to send everyone to The ER, is out with news of a deep-dish pizza with a crust wrapped in 3.5 feet of bacon.

The pizza is described as “an 8-corner deep dish pizza wrapped in decadent whole strips of thick-cut, crispy bacon, and then topped with pepperoni and even more chewy pieces of savory bacon goodness,” according to a press release from the company.

And while the marketing execs at Little Caesars have come up with the clever tagline “in bacon we crust,” doctors, trainers, and your beer belly have not found a clever way for you to ward off the 450 calories in each slice!

The pizza will be available at Little Caesars from Feb. 23 through late April.