Home News Local Manny Perez is not happy that his signs are being knocked down and stolen

Manny Perez is not happy that his signs are being knocked down and stolen

Manny Perez is not happy that his signs are being knocked down and stolen

A candidate for Riverside County Supervisor has taken to Facebook to express his frustration about his campaign signs.

Manuel “Manny” Perez, who was appointed to the the 4th District seat by Governor Jerry Brown last year after the passing of John Benoit, posted that he is “just as frustrated as you are with how our signs are being knocked down, being stolen and our opponent’s team is putting up new signs to hide ours still standing.”

Perez also accused his opponent, Palm Desert Mayor Jan Harnick, of not “playing by the rules” when it comes to campaign signs.  “Please also understand that there are laws that govern when signs can go up in certain cities and we are following those laws,” the post states. “If you don’t see our signs in certain cities and see our opponent’s, it is because we are playing by the rules.”


Of course, all of this could’ve been avoided if some brave politician would pass a law banning all of these lame signs – or maybe allow just one tiny sign with all kinds of restrictions the way that Harnik’s city of Palm Desert allows for yard sales.