Luke Skywalker himself, actor Mark Hamill, tweeted in support of a Desert Hot Springs boy who was taken to an emergency room following a bullying incident at Two Bunch Palms Elementary School in Desert Hot Springs.
Police are investigating the incident which left ten-year-old Aiden Vasquez with a black and swollen eye and a gash above his brow. Aiden said that another boy at school took his backpack.
When Aiden’s mom, Lizette Casanova, asked her son why he didn’t defend himself, he referred to “Star Wars.”
“I told my mom, I got it from “Star Wars,” that it’s not the Jedi way,” he told KMIR.
“SHOUT OUT to Aiden Vazquez for his courage & wisdom in the face of adversity,” Hamill tweeted early Wednesday morning. “I’m so proud of you for showing that you can be a Jedi in real life.”
Hamill added, “The Force will be with YOU… Always!!!”
SHOUT OUT to Aiden Vazquez for his courage & wisdom in the face of adversity. I'm so proud of you for showing that you can be a Jedi in real life. Congratulations, Aiden- The Force will be with YOU… Always!!!
Your fan, mh https://t.co/jkWqrhMaC0— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) August 29, 2018
Aiden’s mom said that the tweet did a lot for the boy.
“It really did pick up his spirits. It really did help him a lot,” Casanova told the Desert Sun. “It makes (Aiden) feel like he’s actually doing something right.”
Great support by Mark, Thanks. My experience is that you are on your own, if your kid gets bullied. The PSUSD board did not take the dangerous bullying of my children (now in their 30’s) seriously. It only stopped when we taught our children to defend themselves. My Asian children had bricks and rocks thrown at them almost daily by gangsta mob mentality children. My children were called chinks and other terrible things. PSUSD did nothing, did not want to upset the mob. I was told by the PSUSD that It was not a hate crime because my children where Asian. People in authority need to grow a pair and do what is right, not be PC cowards. Expel the bullies and charge the parents for battery. Do not hold your breath. Wont happen. Hope the cops charge the parents for the poor example they are setting for their children to emulate. They need to feel some pain too.
It is said that Mark Hamill left a message of support, also to August Clay, the guy who destroyed President Trump Hollywood star with a pickaxe. I find it fake that here he is praising this little boy for not taking action.
Then again, what can one expect from actors whom without a script they do not know their arse from their elbow.