Home Local Palm Springs Mayor plans to single-handedly get Obama to move to Palm Springs

Mayor plans to single-handedly get Obama to move to Palm Springs

Mayor plans to single-handedly get Obama to move to Palm Springs

Moon Palm Springs mayor

Palm Springs Mayor Robert Moon will step away from his normal duties like cutting ribbons with comedy-sized scissors and taking a city-funded trip to New York City to demand that the leader of the free world move to The Coachella Valley when he leaves office – well, that is if he even gets a chance to meet him.

“If I have the opportunity to meet President Obama I am certain it will only be for a minute,” Moon told the Desert Sun. “I intend to tell him how honored we are to have him come and visit our beautiful city and surrounding Coachella Valley. I will also tell him that I hope that he will eventually buy a home here, and that I would love to meet Mrs. Obama.”

Yup, that should do it alright.

Of course, you may have noticed a big ‘ol “if” in that statement because Moon has not yet been invited to meet President Obama.

Not that any of this matters since the President still has not confirmed for an awesome night of karaoke in Indio.  Meanwhile, John Kerry keeps trying to ruin everything.

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