Fast food workers deserve to be paid more.
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Seriously, dealing with nonsense like this video is worth far more than minimum wage.
The above video comes from Brandy Wooten, a self-proclaimed blogger (ugh, bloggers) who posts things like this around the Inland Empire on her Facebook page.
As far as what was behind this totally not-preplanned tirade to get YouTube views over cookies in the McDonald’s drive thru. From the YouTube description:
This video was deleted off facebook after going viral.. I didnt hurt no one i didnt do nothing wrong.. #CookiEMonster i just kussed they ass out . sorry not sorry if i wanted to bake my own i would have but i love McDonald’s cookies i just hate they store can never have shit together for the sake of the cookie lovers
Now, after watching, I’m giving any and every fast food worker I see a big hug today while I happily (and calmly) wait a whole 2 minutes for my cookies.