Remember when McDonald’s had a dollar menu (and you did not yet know their meats were made from gym mats)? Ahhh, yes. Simpler times.
McDonald’s will launch a “McPick 2” menu next year. What is a McPick 2? Well, rather than just ordering one item that will lead to obesity and diabetes – Ronald and company would like you to choose 2. You can pick from a McDouble, a McChicken, small fries and mozzarella sticks – you get two of those food-like things for the low, low price of just 2 bucks.
McDonald’s will give the McPick 2 a test run for five weeks starting on Jan. 4. Deborah Wahl, senior vice president of marketing for McDonald’s U.S., said the McPick platform was designed to give people options. “Customers are looking for choice and flexibility. That’s sort of the new definition of value,” she told CBS LA.
And seeing as how lately customers are choosing to go anywhere other than Mickey D’s – despite them finally giving you a chance to order a McMuffin at 3 p.m. – look for the Golden Arches to keep dicking around with their menu in hopes that they stumble onto something and someone, anyone, comes back in.
Spoiler: there are much tastier (and healthier) options out there, so no one will.