Home Food Bites Morton’s Steakhouse is Offering $1 Filet Mignon Sandwiches!

Morton’s Steakhouse is Offering $1 Filet Mignon Sandwiches!

Morton’s Steakhouse is Offering $1 Filet Mignon Sandwiches!

Filet sandwiches mortons

National Filet Mignon Day is a thing that exists, because of course. But, that is great news for you as on Thursday August 13th, Morton’s Steakhouse is going big by offering up $1 Filet Mignon Sandwiches!


The sammys will be available in the bar from open (5 p.m.) to close (10 p.m.) – but, do not starve yourself ahead of it, as there is a maximum of 12 sandwiches per person and it is for dine-in only (maybe, they won’t notice you slipping one or two in your purse to bring to me?).

I called the Palm Desert location and they confirmed they are participating – but, they also noted the bar typically fills up very early (which has been true when I have gone there – retired people have nothing better to do, I guess) and suggested the best time to grab your sandwich might be later on in the evening.
