Cancel your lunch plans for Friday, people. Because the one and only Mr. Peanut is coming to Rancho Mirage. And why, you ask – well, it turns out people actually read some of the stuff we write about here at Cactus Hugs. Which is cool and all, but man, now I kinda wish we tried harder.
You see, after posting about how we were going to eat only cashews from now on after we thought that America’s favorite goober had slighted us in favor of the Desert Sun and KESQ, the good people Kraft Heinz reached out and offered up some quality time withthe handsomest anthropomorphic peanut on the planet. We, of course, jumped on the opportunity but figured, why should we keep him all to ourselves?
So, if you have always wanted to meet the fanciest dressed legume on the planet, would like to enjoy some free peanuts and snacks, and check out Mr. Peanut’s sweet ride, the NUTmobile, come by The River amphitheater at noon Friday – and hey, maybe just go ahead and stay for the live music starting at 5.
Just look for the giant peanut on wheels.
UPDATE: It was a good time!