Home Food Gulps In-N-Out Burger worker reveals secrets and tips in Reddit AMA

In-N-Out Burger worker reveals secrets and tips in Reddit AMA

In-N-Out Burger worker reveals secrets and tips in Reddit AMA
mmmmm...In-N-Out Burgers...*drool*

In-N-Out Burger is the best (seriously though, this is damn fact!), but there may be a few things you did not know about the popular burger chain.

Recently, a Redditor with the name booshley, who says she has worked for In-N-Out for two years, recently allowed people to ask her anything about the burger joint. Questions ranged from discounts to mustard grilling to 5×5’s. Here are some highlights:

On napkins…

On the secret menu…

On strange orders…

On discounts…

But what about firefighters?

On 5×5’s…

On first timers…

On mustard fried patties…

On making your own In-N-Out burger…

You can read the entire AMA here.