Home Local Indio Nice Citizens Volunteer to Help Indio Couple in Need

Nice Citizens Volunteer to Help Indio Couple in Need


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Last week an Indio couple made news as The City was taking them to court over their Matt Kemp “unkempt” lawn.

Tranquilino and Lupe Alvarez were profiled by KMIR and Kitty Alvarado (because no one could possibly pronounce their names any more amazingly). The couple, who had planned to turn their yard into a desert landscape but had some hardships and were unable to.  Since they did not alert The City properly, they were now being taken to court.

After the story aired, a couple of KMIR 6 viewers came forward to help the couple.

Tony de los Santos mowed the couple’s lawn free of charge after being reminded of the struggles of his grandparents – he was rewarded by the couple with some home cooked tamales.

Meanwhile, attorney John Patrick Dolan proved that everyone with his last name is awesome (check author of this article’s bio now) by offering free legal services and will represent the couple in court on November 25.

Lupe Alvarez was so moved by the actions of these two individuals that she now plans to pay it forward by helping other people in need.

KMIR also notes that Lupe sent tamales to KMIR and they were gone “instantly”.

KMIR News | Palm Springs, California