Home Travel Not All Airline Employees are Evil: Delayed Passengers Get Pizza Delivered to Plane

Not All Airline Employees are Evil: Delayed Passengers Get Pizza Delivered to Plane


As it would turn out, not everyone in the airline industry is a total a**hole.

The pilot of a diverted Delta flight from Philadelphia to Atlanta figured his passengers might be a little enraged angry pissed off antsy while stuck in the plane at The Knoxville airport for several hours, so he ordered them all some Pizza Hut.

The plane was diverted due to weather and passengers ended up arriving to Atlanta 3 hours late (but with a belly full of pizza!).

Other Delta flights in Ohio, Illinois and Mississippi were also treated to “pizza parties” by the airline, according to Daily Mail.  So was it all just a sort-of publicity stunt by the airline?  But hey, it is the airlines and they are treating passengers like actual humans for once – so let’s all just enjoyed it…while we can.