Home News National It is Opposite Day as Child Rescues Adult From Hot Car

It is Opposite Day as Child Rescues Adult From Hot Car


[media-credit name=” WVLT / CBS” align=”aligncenter” width=”458″]kid rescued old man from car[/media-credit]Are you tired of all of the stories about asshole parents who leave their kids in hot cars because they are assholes who do not listen? Well, lucky for you, today is opposite day!!!

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In Knoxville Tennessee, WCSC reports this time it was an adult who was rescued by a child:

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Bob King was trapped inside his car Saturday afternoon with the heat rising quickly when 3-year-old Keith Williams happened to walk by.

“We’ve had a little problem with the switch on this car about opening up,” King said. “I hollered at him, and he just looked at me kind of funny, and I said, ‘Yeah, I’m locked in here.'”

King has battled cancer, suffered from strokes and wears a pacemaker. He said he had been locked inside for about 5 minutes when he started to get nervous.

But there was no need to be nervous, 3-year-old Keith (who was wearing Ninja Turtle shoes!) was on it!

Luckily for him, Keith knew exactly what to do. He went to his pastor, Jack Greene, and led him outside to King.

“He kept pulling at my hand, and I eventually turned around and looked at him and said, ‘What’s going on?'” Greene said. “And he said, ‘Locked, locked!”

The news report does not really explain how King was rescued from being locked inside his own car – but to hell with it…it is opposite day and I like it!