Home Desert Life Local Media Outsourced “Local” Weatherman is Angry Companies Are Hiring “Cheaper Workers From Elsewhere”

Outsourced “Local” Weatherman is Angry Companies Are Hiring “Cheaper Workers From Elsewhere”


Geoff Fox

KMIR’s “local” weather guesser Geoff Fox took to the internet to complain about companies hiring “cheaper workers from elsewhere” in order to save money. Fox probably wrote the tirade from his garage studio at his home in Irvine.

Fox’s rant appeared on his blog and was directed at Disneyland and their attempt to hire foreign workers on H-1B visas to replace long time, local employees.

Fox writes:

For years companies have been screaming for more H1-Bs. At the same time older workers have been screaming H-1Bs allow them to be replaced with cheaper workers from elsewhere.

This is not how H-1B is supposed to work.

There’s a growing divide between what corporations want and what’s best for America. Disney and Southern California Edison might not care about their employees, but I do. This needs to be changed yesterday.

Just so long as “what’s best for America” includes a weatherman beaming in the forecast from out of town every night because it saves a few bucks.  (counterpoint: our roads are much safer when they are out of town).