Home Local Palm Desert Palm Desert residents spoke out against legalized weed and it went about as expected

Palm Desert residents spoke out against legalized weed and it went about as expected

Palm Desert residents spoke out against legalized weed and it went about as expected
(Google Maps / StickPNG)

The City of Palm Desert is considering allowing marijuana dispensaries within the city. Of course, it being Palm Desert, it’s already a totally ridiculous situation.  Thursday night, residents were allowed to speak out about it.  It being Palm Desert, their arguments were, ummm, well…

Or in other words:

But, not everyone is against the reefer. A former TV anchor showed up to support the weed:

Not sure if it will help or hurt the cause, but it sure does seem like someone is seriously thinking about running for public office in the near future.

This post has been brought to you by Joe Galli’s Twitter feed. Go on and follow him already. He tweets about wresting too!