Home Food Palm Desert store claims Panda Express smell hurt business, forced move

Palm Desert store claims Panda Express smell hurt business, forced move

Palm Desert store claims Panda Express smell hurt business, forced move

The Palm Desert luggage store that has been openly complaining about the smell of Panda Express for months now has filed a lawsuit against the food chain.

It’s in the Bag claims the smell of Orange Chicken and other items cooked up by the restaurant have permeated through the walls and been absorbed by the products like fabric luggage, prompting customers to complain.

Owner Chuck Weisbart told KESQ that just after Panda Express opened next door to them at the Palm Desert Crossing shopping center, he began receiving emails from customers saying things like “My wife and i could not bear to be in your store…” and “I have no intention in traveling with luggage with a rancid, disgusting smell…” – which are odd emails to send to a business, for sure – but then these are Palm Desert customers we are talking about, so it’s possible.

The store is now moving to another location in the city (near Jensen’):

Weisbart says there should’ve been a firewall in between the businesses and he asked the landlord for a two-month holdover in order to move and was denied. He told the TV station that as soon as the move is completed, he will file a lawsuit.

“We’re in a lawsuit with them,” Weisbart proclaimed. “And as soon as we leave then they’re going to be sued for two and a half years in rent.”