Friday saw the three men charged with corruption in Palm Springs enter an Indio courtroom. Just like the last two times they were in court, nothing really happened.
Former mayor Steve Pougnet along with developers John Wessman and Richard Meaney were in and out of court in just a few minutes, reports the Desert Sun.
The three were supposed to be arraigned an enter initial plea, but the hearing was rescheduled due to the absence of the judge.
Each suspect has been scheduled to enter this initial plea three times prior, but the hearings have been repeatedly rescheduled. The high-profile case was also recently transferred from Riverside, and Friday’s hearing was the first held at the Indio courthouse.
Did no one know the judge was taking off early for the holiday weekend?
The day was not a total waste however, as Meaney spoke to the media for the first time.
No joke, this is the first thing Meaney has said to a member of the press in more than two years of coverage.
— Brett Kelman (@TDSbrettkelman) June 30, 2017
No word yet on when the trio will be back in court. The trip will be back in court in October…
Pougnet, Meaney and Wessman arraignment will be continued on October 6 in #Indio
— Zak Dahlheimer KESQ (@ZakDahlheimer) June 30, 2017
At this rate, the trial should be over in the year 2045.