Home Desert Life Who could’ve possibly foreseen all these rules discouraging Coachella Valley psychics?

Who could’ve possibly foreseen all these rules discouraging Coachella Valley psychics?

Who could’ve possibly foreseen all these rules discouraging Coachella Valley psychics?

The Desert Sun takes a look at rules and regulations regarding fortune tellers – err, I mean “spiritual counseling” – in cities spanning from Palm Springs to Coachella. Apparently, those wishing to open up shop as a psychic in the Coachella Valley is requited to go through an extensive application process and take out high-value bonds thanks to regulations put in place by conservative governments in the Coachella Valley in the 1980s due to some “questionable characters.”

Take for instance the rules for Palm Springs that were put in place in 1985 requiring a lengthy application process, fingerprints, two recent photos, and even disclosing the applicant’s height and weight. Meanwhile, Cathedral City has similar rules and Coachella requires a $15,00 security bond and an $800 fee.

There isn’t much of a movement to change the rules – but, you can read more about the history of the regulations here.