Science Confirms: Palm Springs Has Been Crazy Hot in 2014

Has it seemed to you that this year, above all previous years, has just been ridiculously hotter than balls in The Coachella Valley?

Well guess what…your sweaty ass is right!  Science confirms it:

In fact, since record keeping began in Palm Springs in 1917, the city has not seen a warmer January through June than this year!!!!

The bright side according to KESQ:

The cause can’t be attributed to just one factor, but Southern California generally sees a warmer start to the year when El Niño is on the way in or out. Right now, it’s still on the way in.

Most of the previous records were recorded during the start of the biggest El Niño on record, in 1997.

And hey, if the hot temps bring about El Niño and that brings the rain that ends the awful drought, that would be fantastic. In the meantime, I will just be here waiting for October.

(featured image via Ray Tsang / CC)