Home Local Palm Springs Palm Springs short-term vacation rental group launches video campaign to terrify you

Palm Springs short-term vacation rental group launches video campaign to terrify you

Palm Springs short-term vacation rental group launches video campaign to terrify you

A group calling themselves “We Love Palm Springs” launched this week with a goal of getting residents of the city to vote against the short-term vacation rental ban in the city. A video produced by the group starts out nice enough, with various people talking about why they love Palm Springs (theater, restaurants, the weather, inclusiveness, etc.), but the announcer in the video quickly says that this measure puts “it all at risk.” All of it? ALL OF IT!! As one woman in the video states, “it will hurt people,” while a man states, “it will have a very, very detrimental effect on a lot of small businesses in town.”  Basically, if you don’t vote as they tell you to, expect Palm Springs to quickly devolve into human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria! 

Now sure, the best argument against short-term vacation rentals in any city is just living next door to one and dealing with the noise, hassles, and disrespectful tourists that those who work and own hotels hate but at least get paid for.  Not to mention, the tourism people seem to orgasm when the hotel occupancy rate gets barely above 60% – which would seem to be a number that has a lot of room to grow if tourists stayed there rather than throwing an all-night Coachella party at the house next door to your family’s home.

Not that any of that matters since, if you don’t vote no on Measure C, all that you love about Palm Springs is at risk. ALL OF IT!!!!!
