A Corona couple was arrested after they posted a video on YouTube of an 8-year-old and his friend being driven around in a truck full of water absorbent beads.
The video (which you can see here) was posted on March 5. It shows the 8-year-old son of Holly Piazza and Brian Chase in the back up of a Dodge Truck, with a female friend.
The two slosh around in the truck bed, which is filled with Orbeez – a thing that I just learned existed – which are beads that absorb water and swell up to 300 times their size.
As ABC 7 reports, Piazza, 45, and Chase, 37, were arrested for misdemeanor child endangerment. Piazza was also issued a ticket for dumping the Orbeez into the street.
Police are also requiring the couple to pay for the cleanup.
The video was part of the couple’s YouTube channel has nearly 1.5 million subscribers and features videos of the 8-year-old doing a variety of stunts.
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