Palm Desert is known for many things – bizarre rules, a lack of fast food drive thrus, and a city council that doesn’t give a fuck about residents, to name a few. But, what the city may be best known for is being home to some of the worst parking jobs in the world.
A tipster sent in these photos of someone who would like us all to know that their truck is so damn special, it has to be parked in not one, not two, not three, but four freakin’ spots. Four! FOUR!!!
I am sure the driver of this vehicle probably would have taken up five or six if it was physically possible because, well, it’s clearly their world and we are all lucky to be able to find anywhere to park in it.
This town, man. There’s never a cop, citizen’s patrol, security guard, parking enforcement, or tow truck when you need it.
If you have a news tip, send it on over.