Home California Riverside Downtown Riverside business is booming thanks to Pokémon Go

Downtown Riverside business is booming thanks to Pokémon Go

Downtown Riverside business is booming thanks to Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Gors

As it would turn out, communities that embracing Pokémon Go are seeing a huge increase in business. This includes Riverside, where the Press Enterprise reports there was a 25 percent to 40 percent increase in sales among businesses during a three-day “Pokémon Go” Meetup that took place in July. Now, Riverside is looking to do more Pokémon Go events because of course they are – they are super successful!

During Riverside’s event, an Asian restaurant was so surprised by the crowd (pic here) that it ran out of food and some merchants said crowds were as big as the ones seen during the Festival of Lights during the holidays – which, if you have been, you know can get super crowded.

Things were so successful that despite a couple of flaws – the learned they need more bathrooms for one – the city is planning another event for August 20 downtown in which the city will team with the game’s developer.

Could the success of these types of events mean one might be coming to downtown Palm Springs? Of course not, Palm Springs is only for old people.