Home Festivals Coachella Police busted 43 at Coachella for unlawful use of a disabled person parking placard

Police busted 43 at Coachella for unlawful use of a disabled person parking placard

Police busted 43 at Coachella for unlawful use of a disabled person parking placard

The arrest numbers for Coachella Weekend One were announced by the Indio Police Department on Thursday. While overall arrests are down 15% from last year (with most being for intoxication), it seems that people have not gotten the message that they shouldn’t abuse disabled person parking placards – as 43 people were busted during the weekend.

Props to the Indio Police Department (and all of the other agencies involved) for doing a great job of keeping the fest safe last weekend and for citing douchebags that are trying to take away close parking spaces from those who actually need it.
