Poll: less than half of all voters under 40 will actually vote

Coachella Valley election predictions
Image: Vox Efx
Coachella Valley election predictions
Image: Vox Efx

Your uncle can go ahead and stop posting all those non-stop political links and memes, since no one who is  seeing them is actually going to vote this year.

Maybe it is the choice in candidates this year that is keeping younger people away from the polls?  Or maybe, just maybe, half of all voters under 40 are invited to a super rad party that day and will just not have the time to vote?

Whatever the case, leaving the election in the hands of only those voters over 40 will surely make politicians pay attention to things like soaring tuition debt, job creation, equality, and climate change.

Plus, everyone who sits it out will get another chance to vote in four years – you know, if they’re not too busy.