10 questions I have about that ridiculous Palm Springs parking scam

(screengrab: KESQ)
(screengrab: KESQ)
(screengrab: KESQ)

A story that aired on KESQ this week brought to our attention a scam in Palm Springs that is almost too dumb to believe actually happened.  People, we are told, got real parking tickets issued based on a curb that had “3 MINS ONLY” written by hand in marker.   While, obviously, the first question that comes to mind is, “dafuq?” – there are other questions we all have about this as well.

They are:

  1. Seriously?
  2. Wait, c’mon. Seriously?
  3. I don’t understand who benefitted from this scam – did the tickets have a fake address to mail your fine in or something?
  4. Were people told to pay their fine in gift cards the same way “the electric company” tells old people to do on the telephone?
  5. If real tickets were given, shouldn’t it be pretty easy to see who issued them and, oh I don’t know, make sure they are not allowed to issue parking tickets anymore?
  6. How long was this going on for before someone thought, “hmmmm…a ticket given based on magic marker writing on a curb seems suspicious”? (note: the ticket in the story was issued on July 20 and the curb was just painted over yesterday, so it could have been going on for at least 2 weeks – which is insane)
  7. Did anyone actually pay the fine and is the city going to track them down and give their money back?
  8. Considering the Palm Springs City Manager makes more than the President of the United States, shouldn’t he know about shit like this going on in the city?
  9. When whoever did this started scribbling with a marker on a curb, did no one think that was a bit weird?
  10. This really happened?

I would like to thank the city in advance for answering these questions.

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