Home Festivals Coachella Radiohead had a very tough night at Coachella

Radiohead had a very tough night at Coachella

Radiohead had a very tough night at Coachella

Coachella’s Day One headliner had a rough night on stage.

Sound problems led to the band leaving the stage twice during their set.  After leaving this first time, they came back to perform “Let Down,” only to see the audio cut off on them again.

Singer Thom Yorke was clearly dejected…

As Metro noted, Yorke told the crowd that the glitch was ‘f*****g aliens again’ – later adding: ‘Can you actually hear me now? I’d like to tell a joke to lighten the mood. But we’re Radiohead so f**k it.’

Some on Twitter put the blame for the problems on the same guy:


While others were just upset:


But, the sound problems were eventually worked out and Radiohead did play “Creep,” so, in the end, not a terrible night.