Home Local Rancho Mirage Rancho Mirage is voting in the laziest way possible

Rancho Mirage is voting in the laziest way possible

Rancho Mirage is voting in the laziest way possible

Rancho Mirage

The city of Rancho Mirage, best known for being home to insane HOA brawls and an irrational hatred of young people, is having an election on April 12. Just do not look for any polling places. There are none. Rancho Mirage is letting everyone vote in their underwear in the comfort of their own homes.

The municipal election, which KESQ notes encompasses all of the City of Rancho Mirage and is not a countywide election, is an all-mail ballot election. Yes, where in some parts of the country voter ID laws are being passed to make sure minorities do not vote prevent voter fraud, in Rancho Mirage you can have your cat vote for you.  Just let that fur ball mark up the ballot (maybe using their tail?), put a stamp on it, and pop it in the mail.  Hell, if that sounds like too much work, just give your ballots to me – I would love to cast a few hundred votes in the city.

Voters will choose a mayor and vote on ballot initiatives.  Included are measures that could prevent the CV Link from running through the city – which could have huge implications for the entire Coachella Valley.   But who knows, maybe all those cats will vote for it?

Democracy is amazing sometimes.