Sure, the temperature outside is hot as hell in SoCal – but, when you do get a chance to get out there and catch a few Pokémon, you have a better chance to catch one of the rare pocket monsters than the rest of the country, according to a new study.
Wanderu took a look at major cities across the U.S. and found that L.A. topped everyone else when it came to catching rare Pokemon.
Players in Los Angeles have reported catching all but two of the rarest Pokémon including Dratini, Hitmonlee, Chansey, Kabuto, and Electabuzz – with only Magnemite and Hitmonchan eluding players so far.
Meanwhile, Orlando and Chicago players have only caught 3 of the 11 rare Pokémon.
Here is a chart that breaks it all down:
And here is a map of rare Pokémon spottings across the U.S. (some mobile readers might need to click here to see it)
Have you caught or seen any of these rare Pokemon in the Coachella Valley? Let us know on Facebook.