Home News Raul Ruiz’s supporters seem to have forgotten what his campaign is really about

Raul Ruiz’s supporters seem to have forgotten what his campaign is really about

Raul Ruiz’s supporters seem to have forgotten what his campaign is really about

It’s nearly election season again and that means tons of gross yard signs everywhere you look, wall to wall campaign commercials, and a flood of phone calls asking you to take a poll or to hear more about a particular issue or candidate. The Uken Report transcribed a voicemail message from a volunteer at a phone back for Congressman Raul Ruiz from over the weekend and they seem to have forgotten what his campaign is all about.

We’re calling and canvassing around to see how many supporters we can count on for the election coming up in November,” Bob said in the phone voicemail. “You may be familiar with him, I don’t know, but he is an emergency physician. He’s not necessarily a career politician. But he has spent time in Washington, D.C., over the past few years fighting to protect Medicare and Social Security. And, we’re going to need a lot of fight for that in the not-too-distant future.”

Ummm, Bob. You didn’t mention the shitty car.  As we all know, other issues are important, but Ruiz’s campaigns are always about the shitty car.