Home News Republicans refused to let the Desert Sun cover their election party

Republicans refused to let the Desert Sun cover their election party

Republicans refused to let the Desert Sun cover their election party

A reporter and photographer for the Desert Sun were turned away from the election night party at The East Valley Republican Women Federated’s headquarters in La Quinta, with the president of the group accusing them of being #FakeNews.

Via The Desert Sun:

“Let’s step outside,” Joy Miedecke told The Desert Sun as the journalists tried to walk into the building to interview supporters about the results of the election.

“Look, we’re tired of the lies. The Desert Sun keeps printing false information,” Miedecke said.

The Desert Sun then asked Miedecke what, exactly, was the fake news she was complaining about and, well…

When asked to elaborate on her accusations that the newspaper has lied, Miedecke said there were too many to count and that the lies had been happening for so long she couldn’t recall them.

Ahh, yes, of course.