Home Entertainment WTF Rich guy makes ridiculous NSFW video to help sell his Beverly Hills mansion

Rich guy makes ridiculous NSFW video to help sell his Beverly Hills mansion

Rich guy makes ridiculous NSFW video to help sell his Beverly Hills mansion

How do you go about searching for a home to buy? Get a real estate agent? Check Redfin? Search the internet for softcore porn vids?

Below is a real video that was made to promote a $100 million home for sale in Beverly Hills. According to TMZ, the mansion (called “Opus”) has 20,500 sq. ft, 7 bedrooms, and 11 baths. According to the video, the home also has girls, girls, girls.

The home was built by Nile Niami, who also helped make the insane promotional vid. and is looking for a paltry $100 million for the property.

Watch the NSFW video:

OPUS | Red Band Trailer from Drew Fenton on Vimeo.

Rich people have an interesting way of doing things.