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Rich People “Conference” Bringing Celebs to Palm Springs This Week



Normally, people watching in Palm Springs consists of looking at old people, out-of town-hipsters, and tweekers – but this week could be a little different.

Something called The “EY Strategic Growth Forum” is in town – and with it a ton of celebrities.

The “conference”, which looks more like an excuse for rich people to write off a trip on their private jet to Palm Springs to golf and meet famous people as a business expense, will play host to:

  • Singer Sheryl Crow
  • Director Ron Howard
  • Former NFL Coach Jimmy Johnson
  • Late Night Host Seth Meyers (seems like he would be above something like this)
  • “Inside Edition” Host Deborah Norville
  • NBA Legend David Robinson
  • Football Legend Emmitt Smith
  • ESPN’s Hannah Storm

Some celebrities have already arrived…

You clearly were not rich enough to be invited to the conference – but, these people need to eat at some point…so who knows, maybe they will eventually mingle with the 99 percent.

If you see a celebrity or know of a filthy-rich people conference featuring celebrities in The Coachella Valley – let us know about it.


  1. Rhiannon and Jenn – Do you know these ladies? Being on a fixed income doesn’t mean they are on “welfare”. They certainly look old enough to have worked most of their lives and now collect Social Security. They would have a “fixed income” on SS and have paid into it all there lives. Retired people have the time to wait in line if that’s what they choose to do to save some money. Give them some slack and don’t judge a book by it’s cover.