Home California Southern California Video: some dumbass stopped traffic on the freeway to start a fight

Video: some dumbass stopped traffic on the freeway to start a fight



Driving on SoCal freeways are bad enough without jerks stopping traffic in a fit of road rage.

Video has surfaced from over the weekend on the 134 Freeway where the driver of an Infinity stops right in the middle of the damn freeway and begins to punch a driver in a Jetta.

The person recording the video said that the Jetta cut off the Infiniti, and then things went to shit. They also said that three kids were in the Infiniti while it battled with the Jetta.

The Infiniti driver has been identified as Dikran Gligoriu, 35, of Temple City. The driver of the Jetta has not been named, but suffered minor facial injuries, according to police

Los Angeles County prosecutors are now considering child endangerment charges against Gligoriu.

“This type of behavior is unacceptable,” CHP Officer Edgar Figueroa told the LA Times. “We understand that it is frustrating to be in traffic, but you cannot take out your anger on anyone else.”