Home Technology San Francisco Adds Technology to Spray Pee Right Back at Public Urinators

San Francisco Adds Technology to Spray Pee Right Back at Public Urinators

San Francisco Adds Technology to Spray Pee Right Back at Public Urinators

San Francisco may have found the perfect solution to its public urination problem: technology in which the pee is sprayed right back onto the person taking a leak.

The city is coating walls in some neighborhoods with a special coating that redirects the stream right back where it came from, as seen in the video above and here:

The city got the idea from Hamburg, Germany – which uses the same technology and posted these cool signs to go with it:

Germany Pee Sign

Sadly, San Francisco did not add the cool signs.

Painting each wall costs the city a few hundred dollars, according to SF Gate. But, if the pilot program works, it will save on cleanup costs for the city and, more importantly, it is hilarious.