A Coachella Valley couple, known for their abundance of Christmas spirit, were robbed Thursday morning at their Indio home.
Frank and Dorothy Crain have dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus to hand out presents to kids during the Coachella Christmas Parade for many years. The couple also visit the homes of families in need of some holiday joy – which is why news of the robbery is especially surprising.
Their son, Ira, broke down what happened on GoFundMe:
My parents Frank, a retired engineer who works security, and Dorothy, a homemaker who’s been physically unable to work since 1985 spend the holidays visiting local families dressed as Santa & Mrs. Claus as “Santa in the Desert.” This morning (Decmber 10th) they had a week’s worth of groceries as well as Christmas gifts for the family totaling about $350 stolen out of my mother’s car in their driveway as my mother was going inside to get my father to help unload the car. We’re trying to get some money together to help replace the groceries between now and Pops’ next payday/Mom’s next social security check. Anything helps. Your support is very much appreciated.
“By the time they came out, everything was gone except I think a bag full of Ziplocs and a present for my daughter,” Crain told the Desert Sun. “They’re heartbroken. They’re out a week’s worth of groceries and presents and they don’t exactly have the money to replace them.”
You can donate to the GoFundMe for the couple here – and, as of the writing of this post, $900 has been raised.