Home Desert Life Palm Springs Shia LaBeouf is appearing at a Palm Springs film fest this weekend

Shia LaBeouf is appearing at a Palm Springs film fest this weekend

Shia LaBeouf is appearing at a Palm Springs film fest this weekend

You probably didn’t know there was a film festival taking place in Palm Springs this weekend, but Shia LeBeouf does – and he plans on attending a Q&A for one of the movies being shown.

#TAKEMEANYWHERE – which is the name of the film and not me screaming a hashtag at you – will show at the Camelot Theaters in Palm Springs at 4:30 pm on Saturday as part of the American Documentary Film Festival. There will be a Q&A after the flick with LeBeouf, Luke Turner, Nastja Säde Rönkkö.

The documentary follows LaBeouf, Turner, and Rönkkö who hitched rides around the country with strangers and then allowed the driver to take them anywhere the wanted to. I probably would’ve taken LeBeouf somewhere far, far away, but sadly I am sure I would’ve been super low on gas and who am I kidding, I don’ pick up hitchhikers because they are all axe murderers according to my mother.

People did pick them up though, here’s someone taking LeBeouf to the Grand Canyon:

Tickets are $11 and, as of this posting, are still available.

Get more details here.