Home Holidays Halloween So much candy!!! This is how many calories your kid will eat this Halloween

So much candy!!! This is how many calories your kid will eat this Halloween

So much candy!!!  This is how many calories your kid will eat this Halloween


The average person in the United States consumes 3,770 calories a day. And while that is a lot (WebMD says women should have 2,000 and men 2,400), it is nothing compared to what your kids are going to chow down on this Halloween.

The typical bag, pillow case, plastic pumpkin, or whatever the kids are using to trick or teat nowadays will be loaded up with 4,800 calories!!

Top out that in perspective, 4,800 calories is the equivalent of:

  • 8.5 Big Macs
  • 16 large slices of Domino’s pepperoni pizza
  • 5 Disneyland Monte Cristo sandwiches
  • 685 cups of spinach
  • 2,526 Tic Tacs

To put things in perspective, the calories are more than The Rock’s crazy 7 meals-a-day bodybuilder diet (4,000), but still less than the 12,000 calories Michael Phelps chows down on every day while he is training.

Looks like there is really only one way to keep your kid healthy and trim this Halloween season:  steal a good amount of their candy for yourself….ummm, I mean for their heath.