Home National Politics SoCal Political Candidate Calls Out Family For Flying Mexican Flag, Loses Job

SoCal Political Candidate Calls Out Family For Flying Mexican Flag, Loses Job


An ignorant SoCal political candidate thought it would be a good idea to record herself calling out a family in Ontario for flying a Mexican flag at their home. It wasn’t.

The video (above) went viral and Tressy Capps has now lost her day job because of it.

Last month, Capps, a candidate for Fontana City Council was driving by the Banuelos family home when she pulled over to record video of herself complaining about something she considered “disrespectful.”

“You know we live in America, right? This is the United States,” Capps says in the video, “So why are you flying your Mexican flag in your front yard?”

(Editors note: please do not invite Capps to an El Torito as her head just might explode from all of the Mexican things on display in ‘Murica!  Also might want to stay away from any Irish pubs, Italian restaurants, and do not even get her close to The Village Pub.)

Capps posted the video to YouTube. It went viral and has been seen by almost 80,000 people – including her boss at Coldwell Banker.

“We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind,” David Siroty of Coldwell Banker Real Estate said in a statement. “We hold our affiliated companies to high ethical standards. Each of our franchised companies is independently owned and operated and we fully support the local owner’s decision to disassociate this independent agent from the brokerage firm and, by extension, our franchise system.”

The owner of the home Maria Banuelos told Telemundo 52 that she doesn’t think the flag bothers anyone because it’s on her own property. The family said they’ve had a Mexican flag in their front yard for 13 years and a neighbor said she has often seen both U.S. and Mexico flags outside the residence.

“The flag is in their yard. The flag is not bothering nobody,” a neighbor told NBC4. “Leave them alone. Leave them alone. That’s what I felt.”

Capps told Telemundo 52 that she apologizes.