Home Uncategorized SoCal Restaurant Adds Line on Receipt For You to Tip Kitchen Staff

SoCal Restaurant Adds Line on Receipt For You to Tip Kitchen Staff

SoCal Restaurant Adds Line on Receipt For You to Tip Kitchen Staff
tpsdave / Pixabay

When you go out to eat, you expect to tip your server. But what about the people who actually cook your food? One SoCal restaurant is now giving you an option to tip them too.

Silver Lake’s Alimento has added a second line to your bill for a kitchen gratuity…

kitchen staff receipt
(via LA Magazine)

The owner / chef of the place Zach Pollack had the idea to add the option after losing two of his best line cooks to higher paying gigs. He told LA Magazine

“They couldn’t make it work on their end, and I couldn’t make it work on mine—this is a small restaurant,” he says. “But at the same time, the servers are walking away with a lot of money. That’s great, but it put an issue in the spotlight that I’ve been aware of for a while.”

Pollack hopes that diners will add a few extra bucks for the kitchen staff and that his idea takes off around the nation.

What do you think?  Do you like the idea or hate it?