Home Food Study: Millennials are the worst tippers

Study: Millennials are the worst tippers

Study: Millennials are the worst tippers

When it comes to tipping, millennials are the worst, according to a new survey released by CreditCards.com.

On average, people between the ages of 18 and 37 leave their server 15%, compared to the overall medium tip of 18%, says the survey. While over 50% of people over 38 choose to leave a 20% tip, just over one-third of millennials said the usually go with a 20% tip.

One in ten millennials surveyed said they usually leave no tip at all for their restaurant server, compared to just 3% of other age groups.  And it’s not just tipping when dining out, the survey found that nearly one in five millennials don’t tip Uber or Lyft drivers.

As for why millennials might leave a little less for a tip, well that probably has to do with growing up during a recessions, says an industry analyst.

“People have jobs, but they’re not getting raises, and life is just expensive, especially when you’re carrying student loan debt or other types of debt,” Matt Schulz, a senior industry analyst for CreditCards.com, said to Yahoo Finance. “The other side of it is that we’ve seen a lot of data that shows millennials generally are pretty conservative when it comes to their own money. And that makes plenty of sense because they bear the scars of coming up coming of age during the during the Great Recession and it makes sense that those memories and those experiences would have a really big impact on what they think and what the do forever.”