Home National Politics Ted Cruz’s plan for Trump’s wall: Make El Chapo pay for it

Ted Cruz’s plan for Trump’s wall: Make El Chapo pay for it

Ted Cruz’s plan for Trump’s wall: Make El Chapo pay for it

Senator Ted Cruz has come up with a plan to pay for Trump’s border wall: let El Chapo pay for it.

The noted soup enthusiast, Maury guest, and likely Zodiac Killer believes that the US government should use the $14 billion in assets it is trying to seize from the drug lord on the wall, reports CNN.

“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and individuals across our southern border,” Cruz said in a statement.

Cruz introduced the Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order Act – which sounds like a super dumb name for a bill until you realize that the acronym is the EL CHAPO Act, get it? Oh that Ted Cruz is a clever one.

There has been no word yet on Cruz’s plan from the Tweeter in Chief – who still is trying to convince us Mexico is paying for it all…eventually…at a later date…in some form.