Home Desert Life The 7 Stages Coachella Valley Locals Go Through on the 1st Day of Fall

The 7 Stages Coachella Valley Locals Go Through on the 1st Day of Fall

The 7 Stages Coachella Valley Locals Go Through on the 1st Day of Fall



Summer is over and fall (or Autumn, if you prefer) is here. But, the changing of the seasons affects everyone in the Coachella Valley a little differently than the rest of the country.

Here is how it normally goes:


Yes! The long, hot, humid, fucking ridiculous summer is over!


But, even though summer is offically over, why is is still so goddamn hot?


Seriously Mother Nature, enough with the heat already!

Joy (again)

Whatever. So what if it is still hot. Halloween candy is in stores, fall fashions are out, and (most importantly) football is back!


The Halloween candy just melted in your car, there is no way you can wear a sweater in this humidity and heat, and our poor Coachella Valley High schools have to play football in 100+ degree temps.


Oh no!  The change in season means that the snowbirds are coming back to ruin driving on Highway 111!


Well, your commute is going to suck way more – but, the entitled elderly do not come back to The Coachella Valley to roast, so you know it has to finally cool off soon – and after this dumb, hot, humid summer, that’s enough.

Happy first day of fall!

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