Home Holidays Christmas The guy leading the Starbucks red cup protest got owned on CNN

The guy leading the Starbucks red cup protest got owned on CNN

The guy leading the Starbucks red cup protest got owned on CNN

“Christ follower” Josh Feuerstein, who has risen to internet fame this week with his dumb Starbucks red cup stance, was on CNN to talk about the coffee chain’s hatred of all things Jesus. It did not go well for him.

Feurstein speaks first and rambles away at why the “silent majority” of Christians are fed up with Starbucks and society removing Christ from Christmas. Then CNN brings in talk show host Pete Dominick who destroys Feurstein by calling him a “bigot”, pointing out his previous stances of wanting to pickup up arms against gay people, and claims=ing that Feurstein moonlights as a Chaz Bono impersonator.

Dominick then suggests that a good Christian might buy a sandwich or pastry for a homeless person and wish them a “Merry Christmas”, to which Feurstein claims to not be able to respond to – because of audio issues.  The whole thing really goes off the rails from there – including Feurstein claiming that President Obama lied about being a Christian to get elected.

Shortly after the interview, Feurstein took to Facebook to post a rant, where her tells Starbucks loving Christians to have fun drinking “abortion coffee“.

The Holidays are really starting out in joyous fashion this year.