Just when you though you had heard the last of the In-N-Out Burger that was approved and then not approved in the City of Rancho Mirage, it’s back in the news – as those who fought against the burger company bringing life, good jobs, tasty hamburgers, much needed progress, some hipness, and economic benefits to the city are now seeking taxpayer dollars to pay back their lawyers. Pardon my french, but jfc, only in fuckin’ Rancho Mirage, amirite?
A letter was submitted by a lawyer for Save Rancho Mirage this week and is detailed by the Desert Sun:
The letter to the city does not seek a specific amount but states that In-N-Out’s decision to terminate the development agreement supports the allegations of a residents’ group called Save Rancho Mirage that California Environmental Quality Act – CEQA – guidelines were violated when the project was approved.
“We warned the city that if it approved the project with these problems then there would be a lawsuit,” Bruce Bauer, attorney for Save Rancho Mirage, wrote in the letter seeking reimbursement of fees.
The lawsuit was filed in October, after the City Council approved In-N-Out’s plans to build a fast-food drive-thru over opposition from nearby residents who cited concerns for increased traffic, noise and crime as well as impact on air quality from cars waiting in the drive-thru line.
As for how much money we are talking about, the president of Rancho Mirage told the newspaper that they had accumulated about $70,000 in legal fees so far – which is enough to buy about 17,500 Double Doubles…but you’ll have to do that elsewhere.