Home Food The Rancho Mirage In-N-Out is happening

The Rancho Mirage In-N-Out is happening

The Rancho Mirage In-N-Out is happening
mmmmm...In-N-Out Burgers...*drool*

The Rancho Mirage City Council voted in favor of the proposed In-N-Out Burger in the city on Thursday, reports the Desert Sun.

In Rancho Mirage, In-N-Out is in.

Thursday’s 4-0 vote by the City Council followed more than two hours of public comments from people for and against the fast-food drive-thru being built in the Rancho Las Palmas shopping center, on the corner of Highway 111 and Magnesia Falls Drive.

The approval of the location of the burger franchise followed a week filled with protests, wild predictions, and a not-so-successful GoFundMe campaign from those opposing the project.

With the yes vote, it means that soon you will be able to enjoy a Double Double before taking in a movie at the River or after grabbing a drink at the yard House – which is good news, since the city needs the burger joint much more than the burger joint needs Rancho Mirage.


  1. In and out burgers suck, another fast food that no one needs. The city of Rancho Mirage couldn’t make a good business decision even if it crawled out of their 80 year old butts. They banned fast food but now they are allowing it? That sets a precedent for lawsuits if they prevent any other fast food from trying to open. They should focus on the horrible River mall then pissing off their city population. So glad I moved out of Rancho Mirage.

  2. The fast food precedent went down when they put Starbucks in . You know the coffee eatery that prepares food / beverages in minutes and has drive through. So the only lawsuits that are going to happen are the one where it’s just motions filed /heard lawyers promising the moon….and you know what’ll happen the case is lost and the city/ INO coming looking to recoup their legal expenses from those residents sueing. I’ve seen it a couple times. Sad thing is lawyers know it’ll lose before they start.