Home Festivals Coachella There’s already a bunch of jerks trying to get rich re-selling Coachella tickets

There’s already a bunch of jerks trying to get rich re-selling Coachella tickets

There’s already a bunch of jerks trying to get rich re-selling Coachella tickets

The first round of tickets for the 2018 installment of BeyonceFest Coachella sold out in a just a couple of hours on Friday.  Of course, there are already several hundred assholes trying to make a profit off of them.

Wristbands went on sale at 11 am on Friday and by 3:30 pm there were already over 440 general admission 440 tickets being sold on Stub Hub to Weekend One alone (Weekend Two has over 400 and there are also several hundred VIP for both weekend on sale). The passes were priced from $560 ($131 over face value) all the way up to over $2,000 for GA because I guess asking for a zillion dollars would just be greedy.

And as we all know, you are guaranteed to make a fortune off of reselling tickets – just ask everyone who got rich doing it with Desert Trip last year.