Home Food There’s now an ax-throwing bar in Los Angeles

There’s now an ax-throwing bar in Los Angeles

There’s now an ax-throwing bar in Los Angeles

If you can think of a better way to unwind after a long day at work then hanging with friends, enjoying a beer or two, and throwing a ton of axes, I would love to hear it.

LA Ax gives you the chance to do just that. The place is set up like a bowling alley but, instead of bowling, you throw axes at targets. No seriously. Check it out:

As Eater notes, ax-throwing bars started in Canada, with the first opening in Toronto in 2006. Since then, similar spots have popped up in Brooklyn, Detroit, Pittsburgh.

Currently, La Ax doesn’t have beer or wine, but that’s on the way. In the meantime there are soft drinks and snacks. Of course, everyone who chooses to throw takes a safety course prior to their session, which are available from 6 to 10 on weekdays and 6 to 11 on Sundays.

You can get more info here.