Home Desert Life Summer Friday’s scorching temps in the Coachella Valley set a record

Friday’s scorching temps in the Coachella Valley set a record


Friday was, in a word, hot!!!!  In fact, it was hot enough to break a nearly sixty-year-old record.

According to Local 2 Weather Guesser Jeff Forgeron, Thermal recorded a high temperature of 114 – which beat the previous record of 113 on this date that was set back in 1957.

Palm Springs (home of the other official weather station in the desert) came in at 113 Friday and did not break the record for the date – which was a whopping 119 degrees.

And, as hot as it was on Friday, it was not close to entering the top 10 hottest temps of all time in the Coachella Valley…but then, it is only early June so, unfortunately, there is still plenty of more chances to do it.