Home Entertainment WTF This guy woke up the day after his bachelor party with one hell of a tattoo

This guy woke up the day after his bachelor party with one hell of a tattoo

This guy woke up the day after his bachelor party with one hell of a tattoo

Tattoo Sunglasses

He thought his friends had drawn it on his face with a pen. He was wrong.

This 50-something-year-old Birtish guy (who chose not to reveal his name for some weird reason) woke up the day after his bachelor party to find some cool “Rayban” sunglasses tattooed right on his noggin. He told The Sun, he had no idea how it got there.

“Waking up the morning after, I thought someone had used a permanent marker on my face,” he said. “I had no memory of getting the tattoo because I had gone out celebrating, and when it happened, I was drunk.”

Amazingly, at first he decided to actually keep the tattoo! But, after some people made fun of him at a pub because of it, he felt embarrassed – but, not for himself, rather he did not want his friends to have to put up with any abuse from others while he was out with them.  The next day, he called to get it removed.

The man completed six treatments to remove the tattoo which is now not visible to the naked eye.

“All I can say is that the whole process was amazing,” he said. “There is no scarring, and when friends who haven’t seen me for months come over, they always notice something is different. When they realize the tattoo is gone, they are shocked about how well the treatment has worked.”