[media-credit name=”Flickr” align=”aligncenter” width=”300″][/media-credit]Since the internet clearly does not have enough lists, The Desert Sun added yet another this week with “10 Places to Eat With Your Dog in The Coachella Valley”
Considering that: a) all of the places listed allow dogs only on the patio, and b) this week has seen temperatures of 111 degrees (in the shade!!!) – your dog has written a top ten list of his own in response.
These are the Top 10 Places Your Dog Wants to Eat With You in The Coachella Valley
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning
- At home, inside, enjoying the air conditioning